According to our information, a company that had been cooperating with General Paytyan was considered the winner of the bid. The company imported buffalo meat that didn’t look any different than beef. By the way, well-informed sources assure that as a result of lab tests the truth was unveiled whereas as we mentioned because as we mentioned externally the buffalo meat doesn’t look any different from beef. Let’s also mention that the buffalo meat with its calories almost a hundred times is lower than beef.
Interview with the president of union of political scientists of Armenia Hmayak Hovhannisyan.
I had a short conversation with the trainer Arshak Petrosyan, the second strongest chess master Levon Aronyan and international grand master Gabriel Sargsyan.
Հիշեցնենք, որ ըստ մեղադրական եզրակացության, նա ապօրինի կերպով պահվող զինամթերքը 01.07.2012թ. ժամը 02.00-ի սահմաններում ավտոտնակից վերցրել և ապօրինի փոխադրել է Երևան քաղաքի Աճառյան 37 հասցեում գտնվող «Հարսնաքար» ռեստորանային համալիր:
17-ամյա Նորայր Խաչատրյանը, ով հիվանդանոց էր տեղափոխվել գանգուղեղային վնասվածքներով, «դիֆուզաքսոնալ» ախտորոշմամբ և ողջ ժամանակ գտնվում էր կոմայի մեջ՝ միացված արհեստական շնչառության ապարատին:
Try to imagine a European statesman, who’d watch our parliament sessions live, they might assume that in their own countries there is no such freedom of speech as in Armenia. For the government, the creation of such an impression is among European structures is more valuable than the sacrifice of a few domestic corrupt officials for the sake of such “strict” reports of the Audit Chamber.
And none of the governmental elite in Armenia dared to speak against this conference and the idea in general. Under these circumstances, the statements of Sargsyan from yesterday prompt that he mildly-said regrets for his past contrary statements to Evrazes. It is not excluded that in the current Armenian conditions he might become a “white raven” in the process. And now prior to the presidential elections on the background of antipathy to Tigran Sargsyan of the Prosperous Armenia Party, this status is mildly said not beneficial and it full of unpredictable consequences.
The financial week started very actively, which was mainly due to the report 2011 of the Controller Commission. The report has provided a separate section for the sector of construction.
I began my career by playing the piano. The Beatles played a great role as well. Their songs and their creativity affected me, and the Trapeze is where my big career started from.
We have numerously written that the main thing the government is sensitive about is statistics.
Let’s remember that during the parliamentary elections Raffi Hovhannisyan was nominated for MP under majoritarian system in Talin and he collected 1200 votes only – 3%. Even if theoretically we imagine that Raffi Hovhannisyan can win the presidential election, it is really dangerous for the country. At least, it is not expected that even after winning, according to his habit, he may announce that he will decide whether to take the president’s responsibilities in June. In fact in this case Armenia may stay without a president for several months.
The government has come up with an initiative to amend the law to stop the arbitrary decisions on part of customs service official at the borders to define prices of products and ask for additional documents. If this initiative is brought up and adopted as a law, it will be a very good development not only for businessmen but ordinary people as well.
Under the current circumstances we should only commend his statement, which was definitely done on behalf of the PAP candidate Samvel Balasanyan. But so far we are talking only about nomination because it is up to the suffered resident of Gyumri to decide who they want to see as mayor of their city. In the meantime, we can also discuss the effects of this statement on the political situation of Armenia. Of course, it causes trouble for the ones, who attempt to present the PAP as an opposition and they would benefit from the collision between the PAP and RPA.
Կլոր սեղանին մասնակցելու են Հայաստանի Հանրապետական կուսակցության, «Օրինաց Երկիր» կուսակցության, «Բարգավաճ Հայաստան» կուսակցության, «ժառանգություն» կուսակցության, Հայ Հեղափոխական Դաշնակցութան, Արցախի ժողովրդավարական կուսակցության, «Ազատ Հայրենիք» կուսակցության, ՀՅԴ Արցախի կառույցի պատվիրակությունները:
Մոլդովան չի հրաժարվի ԵՄ-ի հետ էներգետիկ ոլորտում ձեռք բերված համաձայնագրերի ներդրումից` հանուն Ռուսաստանի խոստացած գազի մատակարարման զեղչերի: Այս մասին հայտարարել է Մոլդովայի խորհրդարանի խոսնակ Մարիան Լուպուն: Նա ընդգծել է, որ եթե հանրապետությունը հրաժարվի այդ ծրագրերից, ապա ոչ թե մեկ, այլ միանգամից 10 քայլով հետ կգնա եվրոպական ինտեգրացման ճանապարհից: Այս մասին գրում է RBK-ն:
There are several winning characteristics in our recruiting profile. First, 80% of our workforce is in an engineering capacity, so first and foremost new recruits have to have technical skills, know-how and a track record of building technical expertise. Next we recruit for ‘Fit’. Does the employee have the same drive for excellence? Do they want to work within a highly contributing team? Can they honor our values of integrity and excellence and leadership?
Interview with Ashot Manucharyan, member of Karabakh Committee – What political developments do you see during these months? – The most important developments to expect are the inner developments. We have been discussing those things that are happening out of the country. Armenia is a country without statehood, elected political team, because what we are […]
Here only Serzh Sargsyan behaved in the most normal way in the process with his harsh statements. But he wouldn’t have been able to make such statements without agreeing with other more powerful states. Such a speech showed that the matter has deeper roots. This is the conflict of interests of Russia and the west. By doing so, Putin has tried to morally destroy Sargsyan in order to bring his own political to power in Armenia.
The World Economic Forum has given a reason to the government to praise its policy by advancing Armenia with ten points in the list of 144 countries, placing Armenia in the 82nd place.
“In order not to lose the electorate and make them follow their line the PA has to maneuver,” said sociologist Lyudmila Harutyunyan concerning the strategy currently adopted by the PA. In answer to question why the PA refrained from announcing about being opposition the sociologist said, “You should ask them about it. It is up […]
Currently the government is busy trying to make Serzh Sargsyan a joint candidate from the RPA and Prosperous Armenia. The difference is that the search of the opposition joint candidate may even more reduce the possibility for the opposition to go into the second round of elections.
Interview with former minister of foreign affairs of Armenia, incumbent MP and member of Prosperous Armenia party
Since the Azeri murderer Ramil Safarov was extradited to Azerbaijan the main estimation about the authorities of Armenia was a positive estimation saying that the authorities gave an adequate and good reply in terms of Armenia’s foreign relations issues.
“I don’t want to say anything about the presidential elections; neither I want to make comments about what others said. Also, I want to say that the Prosperous Armenia party has not discussed the issue of the presidential election yet, which means that all the rumors are baseless,” said NA PA faction member, MP and former foreign minister Vartan Oskanyan to our correspondent in answer to a question concerning rumors saying that the PA party had taken the issue of nominating his candidacy for presidency out of its agenda.
The parliament is going to hold an extraordinary sitting to discuss the issue of Azeri Ramil Safarov being extradited and pardoned after having hacked sleeping Armenian army officer Gurgen Margaryan. Information has been published in the media that during this sitting the parliamentary factions are going to adopt a condemning announcement to be sent to international organizations, parliaments of different countries calling on them to express their opinion about it.
Օրբանը հերքել է ընդդիմադիր Սոցիալիստների այն խոսակցությունները, թե կառավարությունը Սաֆարովին հայրենիք արտահանձնելու վարաբերյալ որոշում է կայացրել` ելնելով ֆինանսական նկատառումնեից:
– Mr. Satanovski, what do you think about the ongoing summit of the Non-Aligned Movement in Tehran and what is the importance of that event from the geopolitical point of view in terms of an attempt to establish a counterbalance to the West? – I may sound a little impolite, but I will say that the summit of the Non-Aligned […]
The draft anticipates that the Armenian citizens who are outside Armenia are granted the right to vote as well. Before circulating the draft the head of the Heritage parliamentary faction Ruben Hakobyan has sent a written request to the Ombudsman of Armenia to discuss in court to what extent Article 60 of the Election Code matches the requirements of the RA Constitution. The thing is that Article 60 of the code deprives the Armenian citizens residing outside Armenia to practice their constitutionally granted right.
Օգտատերը դեպքերի մեծ մասում չի գիտակցում, որ «Լայք» անելուց հետո սեփական նկարն ուղարկում է իրեն դուր եկած էջ:
“The most important result of our meeting was the agreement on allocation of military units of non-CSTO countries on the territories of CSTO-countries. From now on in order to allocate military units of a third country on the territory of a CSTO member country, that country has have the consent of all members of the […]