On September 15 the president had a meeting with the government, which was widely covered in the media, however the publications included the president’s announcements only. We have the statement of the president’s controller commission concerning the procedures of procurement. The violations in that paper is a real “policies and procedures manual” for those who […]
Yesterday the Heritage party chairman made a sensation announcement saying that he had an agreement with the chairman of Free Democrats party, according to which they had to drop their mandates together in order to create opportunities for younger professions. So far the representatives of the Free Democrats have not dared to blame Raffi Hovhannisyan in lying because months ago they were praising his moral and personal qualities. The spokesman of the FD said that there had not been such agreement. The deputy chairman of the party Anoush Sedrakyan said too that such agreement could not exist.
The parliament discussed the intergovernmental treaty on “allocation of military objects on the territories of CSTO member countries” and the only people in the parliament that opposed to that draft were Vartan Oskanyan and MP Alexander Arzumanyan. He believes this is dangerous because after verifying this agreement in order to allocate military divisions of a third country on its territory Armenia must have the agreement of CSTO countries.
The parliament discussed the petition of the prosecutor general to cancel MP Vartan Oskanyan’s parliamentarian mandate. The situation was like the authorities were focusing on the law, and the PA and their supporters were focusing on political aspects behind the case. Vartan Oskanyan announced that the case was connected with the presidential election and was against the PA. PA MPs did their best to protect their teammate. Some people were honest in their words, others did not seem to be so, but as a political power the PA seems to give up on its teammate.
Ռուսաստանի Դաշնային հակամենաշնորհային ծառայությունը (ԴՀԾ) որոշել է տուգանել բջջային օպերատորներ ՄՏՍ-ին և «Վիմպելկոմին»՝ iPhone-ի վաճառքի հարցում դավադիր համաձայնության գալու համար։ ՄՏՍ-ի և «Վիմպելկոմի» տուգանքները կազմել են համապատասխանաբար՝ 16 և 18 միլիոն ռուբլի։
“He was rehearsing from 10 am till 5 pm without any break,” the ticket booth saleswoman was telling this to everyone. She was talking about pianist Yevgeni Kisin, who on September 27, threw a concert in Aram Khachatryan concert hall of Yerevan in the framework of Yerevan Perspectives festival.
The memories of parliamentary elections are still fresh among all of us. Back then, Ter-Petrosyan would explain ANC’s cooperation with the PAP with the following – “it is not important how many seats each party will have in parliament. The important thing is to ensure that the opposition parties have more seats than the RPA in the parliament.” Now this slogan may have a different formulation – it is not important who the opposition candidate is, the important thing is to ensure that this candidate is able to beat the government candidate. ANC members still stubbornly resist this scenario. ANC wasn’t able to form a new political agenda and be in charge of it.
The government had definitely calculated that the campaign against the PAP would have gained great public resonance by turning this party into a politically repressed political force. In this case, the repression is even more highlighted because it is addressed to one of the key members of the party – Vardan Oskanyan. If the RPA-PAP conflict is really so tense that the government shuns PAP’s participation in the upcoming presidential race why would it undertake these steps to even more raise the image of the party within the society?
I don’t see him in that process. I don’t believe in competition between that couple. People have seen him shedding blood. Also, Kocharyan has left so many ruins after his tenure that many generations yet to come will remember that. Only that fact that he gave the most important strategic objects and properties of Armenia to a foreign country against so much debt borrowed is enough to put his name in the same list of historical people famous with treason to the state. Kocharyan has given special roles in this treason to his partner and brother Serzhik.
He was sentenced to two months imprisonment. The police have also arrested the former head of the social services payments department Hovhannes Grigoryan and head of pension and projects department Ashot Abrahamyan. According to the police, investigation is in process and so far accusations have been brought against 29 people.
question is why doesn’t Sargsyan dissolve the government?
Perhaps the reason is not only the assumption that it’s no good to change the team closer to elections. But who would be the new prime minister and government members? By having unlimited governmental resources Serzh Sargsyan doesn’t have a big variety of human resources because the government has been surviving with a collective instinct for years. As a result, months before elections, Sargsyan has appeared in a state of a “decisive loner,” the teammates of whose only care about his re-election in order to keep receiving “financial kick-backs.”
“And the most terrible thing is that Adibekyan was enabled to show Robert Kocharyan as an opposition candidate with 20% rating. And Robert Kocharyan, way before digesting October 27 and March 1 tragic events, was turned into an opposition candidate. And this happened as a result of the fact that the movement never consistently made the government fulfill its promise and unveil the March 1 events. We all see that starting from April 2011 the theme of March 1 is frozen and only the relatives of victims are interested in that,” he mentioned.
Prime-minister Tigran Sargsyan has had a discussion with representatives of casinos. Casino owners were in the government to complain to the PM.
The government is going to discuss the issue of providing support to political parties having collected 3 or more per cent of votes during parliamentary elections. The draft law that was initiated by the finance ministry has been developed based on the law on parties and its article 27-2/3 and the Central Electoral Commission’s information about the number of votes collected by alliances of parties and political powers during parliamentary elections.
«Մենք ուշադրությամբ հետեւել ենք արտաքին գործերի նախկին նախարար Օսկանյանի դեմ ընթացող դատական գործին եւ անչափ մտահոգված ենք վերջին զարգացումներով: Մենք հուսով ենք, որ այս գործը չի հանդիսանում Հայաստանի օրենսդրության ընտրովի կիրառում` պայմանավորված քաղաքական շարժառիթներով, քանի որ դա կարող է արժեզրկել այն ջանքերը, որոնք ուղղված են առավել մեծ թափանցիկության խթանմանը եւ Հայաստանի իրավական, արդարադատության եւ օրենսդրական ոլորտների բարեփոխմանը»:
Երկու օր առաջ այստեղ երկու պայթյուն էր իրականացվել, ինչի հետևանքով զոհվել էին անվտանգության 4 աշխատակիցներ: Պայթյունների պատասխանատվությունը ստանձնել էր Սիրիայի ազատ բանակը:
The Independence Day celebration is a good opportunity to have a glance at the past 21 years to understand the economic processes and see where we are going to. In order to understand the entire picture, we have made up some statistics and numbers to illustrate the economic tendencies during the past years.
On the occasion of the 21st anniversary of RA independence RA President Serzh Sargsyan made a speech during a reception organized at sports complex after K. Demirchyan.
The current president, instead of baiting our people by convening a council, had to bat his hand upon the table and say “this is it! From now on, no more robbery”. “He should’ve said so, but no “don’t rob”. And had to say “Legitimacy from now on, the one attempts to break the law will be punished.” I do not want to say bitter words as today is not the day for that. Remember, there are lasting values, despite all the bitterness and exasperation. The main value is the restoration of Armenia’s independence and the state, on the occasion of which I heartily congratulate you.”
As every year, this time the Independence Day in Armenia was celebrated partially. The authorities celebrated the Independence Day with the president in the Sports and Concerts Complex in a reception. A part of the opposition celebrated with the first president Levon Ter-Petrosyan in the vicinity of the monument of Saryan. Other representatives of the opposition were in the concert complex with the authorities. The second president, Robert Kocharyan, as every year was in Moscow during the celebrations of the Independence Day.
«Առաջին ինքնաթիռի մասով բանակցություններն ավարտված են»,-168.am-ին հայտնել է «Արմավիա» ընկերության մամուլի ծառայության ղեկավար Նանա Ավետիսովան։
Among other opinions this step of the president was viewed as a pre-election PR act. But it wasn’t quite clear who this message was addressed to – the opposition, government or part of the government?
The government is going to discuss the proposal offer by former prime-minister and incumbent Member of Parliament Hrant Bagratyan to at least double the minimum salary in Armenia. The prime-minister specifically proposed a recommendation to increase the minimum salary from AMD32,500 to AMD72,500. The former PM explains his proposal with the intention to reduce the […]
“We do not discuss separate visa applications, however decisions are made only after filing an application and interview.” In answer to another question whether the decision of the American court could have impact on citizens of Armenia they answered that the US Embassy in Armenia does not comment on legal proceedings on the part of American courts.
“Mark Horton and his delegation do not have the right and cannot point out at significant and impressive positive developments. It is already ridiculous. They know everything very well. After all that they start discussing whether the situation is good or no. Probably it is difficult to expect a positive answer.Mark Horton would have helped Armenia if pointed out at the fulfillment efficiency of the budget of last year,” said former prime-minister Hrant Bagratyan concerning the positive estimations about the government’s work spoken by the IMF representative in Armenia Mark Horton.
Անդ-Ալ-Քերիմ Կասեմի դրոշն արմատապես տարբերվում է ներկայիս դրոշից՝ այն դարձյալ եռագույն է՝ սև-պիտակ ու կանաչ, իսկ կենտրոնում արև է պատկերված: Դրոշի վրա մուսուլմանական խորհրդանիշ պատկերված չէ:
«Երկուշաբթի օրը «Արմավիա» ազգային ավիափոխադրող ընկերության թռիչքը դեպի Հալեպ չի կայանա»,- 1-in.am-ի հետ զրույցում ասել է «Արմավիա» ազգային ավիափոխադրող ընկերության մամլո խոսնակ Նանա Ավետիսովան:
The Dorians rock band held a concert in Stepanakert on September 13. Dereck Shirinyan, the Black Country Communion band member participated in the concert as well. Former member of the Deep Purple and Black Sabbath, and current member of the Black Country Communion Glenn Hughes was there as well.
Interview with ANC faction member, MP and former prime-minister Hrant Bagratyan
In fact this decision is demeaning for the Republic of Armenia, its government and ultimately its society as well. Since the publication of information about the decision of the court of New York the teammates of Ayvazyan are either lost or escaping from commenting on the mentioned issue.