Wind trying to move mountains

Yesterday the Heritage party chairman made a sensation announcement saying that he had an agreement with the chairman of Free Democrats party, according to which they had to drop their mandates together in order to create opportunities for younger professions. So far the representatives of the Free Democrats have not dared to blame Raffi Hovhannisyan in lying because months ago they were praising his moral and personal qualities. The spokesman of the FD said that there had not been such agreement. The deputy chairman of the party Anoush Sedrakyan said too that such agreement could not exist.
The FD’s secretary Masis Ayvazyan said he was not informed. Khachatur Kokobelyan is not in Armenia and Hovhannisyan is waiting for his return to talk to him about this and many other issues. However, in consideration of the fact that there are developed electronic means of communication, it is not excluded that the FD people have talked to their leader and refused to Raffi Hovhannisyan.
Accordingly, after returning to Armenia Khachatur Kokobelyan will either have to say that Raffi Hovhannisyan is not speaking the truth or will have to agree with him and drop his mandate, or it may end up with a political divorce. By the way, before the election the representatives of the civic sector included in the lists of the Heritage and FD were claiming that they were going to move mountains. So far the only thing they have been able to move was Raffi Hovhannisyan’s parliamentary mandate. We wonder whether after all this Raffi Hovhannisyan continues to be the only candidate for presidency and a leader of New Armenia for the Free Democrats.