The only one can oppose

The parliament discussed the intergovernmental treaty on “allocation of military objects on the territories of CSTO member countries” and the only people in the parliament that opposed to that draft were Vartan Oskanyan and MP Alexander Arzumanyan. He believes this is dangerous because after verifying this agreement in order to allocate military divisions of a third country on its territory Armenia must have the agreement of CSTO countries. Due to this Armenia will lose a part of its sovereignty. Opposing to such opinions the foreign affairs former minister Shavarsh Kocharyan said that there must be not agreement but no opposition to it, which is in fact the same thing. Concerning the agreement he said that any treaty brings right, and meanwhile limitations of other freedoms, including sovereignty. However, no one could give a clear definition of what exactly a “military infrastructure object”. Even though the parliamentarians did not vote but it is a fact that they will stay as loyal to the CSTO as they have been so far.