Three friends

As every year, this time the Independence Day in Armenia was celebrated partially. The authorities celebrated the Independence Day with the president in the Sports and Concerts Complex in a reception. A part of the opposition celebrated with the first president Levon Ter-Petrosyan in the vicinity of the monument of Saryan. Other representatives of the opposition were in the concert complex with the authorities. The second president, Robert Kocharyan, as every year was in Moscow during the celebrations of the Independence Day.
The three presidents, who are considered to be foes, have proven that they can come together and cooperate with each other if they want and if they are united by the interests of keeping the power or coming to power. If they care about the state interests, they could celebrate this day together and give birth to a new tradition raising the state values to a new, higher level. They could at least jointly congratulate the society on this bright day and say that this does not mean they are not opponents. This could be a small but important investment in the political culture, unlike the inactivity behind the commitments of all these three political forces to contribute to the development of that political culture.