Where does the wind of Jhangiryan and Sargsyan blow?

“It’s evident that the declaration is a limitation of rights of any independent state and Nikol Pashinyan voted against for the sake of Armenia’s sovereignty,” told our reporter a member of the ANC Petros Makeyan when asked to comment on the inter-state agreement of the states of Collective Security Pact on deployment of military infrastructures.
ANC members Lyudmila Sargsyan and Gagik Jhangiryan voted for the agreement. “You should probably ask our colleagues why they voted for the agreement. But I as a member of the political board of the ANC think they did wrong. First, the document should have been discussed within the political board because we have decided that all the documents and agreements that are related to geopolitical developments should be discussed within the board. This means that the decision of the political board has been ignored and they voted as they wanted,” he said. To the question whether he’s personally against the agreement Makeyan said, “We are for the independence of our independence. I think the ones that voted for the declaration are against the sovereignty of Armenia.” To the comment that according to him Jhangiryan and Sargsyan are against the sovereignty Makeyan said, “Either they haven’t deeply examined the document or they voted as the wind would blow.” He added that by this voting the decision of the political board had been violated.