
“Small show-off fireworks”

The September 15 government session summoned by the RA president caused many interpretations.

Among other opinions this step of the president was viewed as a pre-election PR act. But it wasn’t quite clear who this message was addressed to – the opposition, government or part of the government? As a response to our question as to whether it wasn’t too early to conduct a PR action before elections, the director of Sociometer sociological research center Aharon Adibekyan said, “This is double-natured statement. The kind people may justify this act, but the jealous ones will try to claim that this was a PR action and the president is trying to demonstrate an image of a strict ruler especially in the aftermath of Safarov’s extradition. He will continue this image because it is more impressive and powerful.” As of the statement of the president that in the near future there will be resignations in the government and the rumors that ministers are already panicking because of the president’s statement, Adibekyan mentioned that perhaps some of the ministers might be “sacrificed.”

“This is only a gossip now. Usually they don’t do anything like that before the elections, however some of them might be “sacrificed” for this purpose. But I can’t say anything for sure because it is not my domain. I only survey the public opinion and the reaction of the elite to this opinion. For an answer to this question you should probably apply to the so-called political scientists, who love to express opinions instead of others. I can only say and predict the reaction of the people in relation to various matters,” said Adibekyan. In his words, only during elections it will become clear what the public attitudes. As of the rating of the opposition, the sociologist mentioned that before elections normally the rating of the opposition is high and then it slowly drops down.

“Usually before elections the opposition gains a higher rating because people are more emotional but in the E-day people become more alert and cold-hearted and determine whether they should entrust their ballots to a new candidate,” said the sociologist. As of the rating of the second president of Armenia Robert Kocharyan, Adibekyan said that they had already conducted polls and he will present these results in his next press conference. “During the press conference I will speak about his (means Robert Kocharyan – M.M.) and the others,” concluded Adibekyan.

And the president of the union of political scientists of Armenia Hmayak Hovhannisyan didn’t connect this statement of the president with a PR action. “I would not call it PR action because at this it is too premature and I don’t see any competition to the president now. So it would be meaningless to do PR at this stage. I am inclined to think and this is not only my opinion that the leader of the country is trying to create certain link between himself and the society,” said Hovhannisyan. In his words, under the current circumstances what’s important is the content of these statements and the consequences. “And the word of the president is important because as our union always thought the president must establish and maintain a constant communication and direct contact with the society and this communication shouldn’t be solicited by anyone.

This is one of the guarantees of trust between the society and government. And what do we have now? In our country the statesmen, who are enrooted with the oligarchic clan, occupy various posts and they control a whole segment of society and political life. Solicitation causes nothing good because the government it trying to create extra complications and problems for the communication of president with the society,” said Hovhannisyan.

PR expert Armen Baghdasaryan told us that this statement of the president might be considered as a PR action because of the uniqueness of the Armenian society and reality. “If we look at this in the western perspective then this is not a PR action. The president’s statement was unexpected and rough and whenever things like this happen in Armenia we assume that this is done for PR purposes. In fact these kinds of meetings should be held not on the threshold of elections but right after elections when the president takes on his responsibilities. At least the advisers must regularly work with the government in order to avoid rapid and spontaneous changes and statements,” said Baghdasaryan. According to him, these unexpected actions may also have a negative echo. “If they bet to create positive attitude within the society then I think this factor didn’t work and their expectations didn’t come true because the society always seen the negative elements and artificially created obstacles that they encounter with during their day-to-day contacts with statesmen. Let’s not forget that PR is the way of presenting in a good light what has been done and hot what’s being imitated and pretended. We often call things that don’t exist a PR act and thus are trying to create fake impressions. But PR is something that people present for their past deeds and achievements. So professionally I wouldn’t call PR. I would call this a small show-off fireworks, which could have be addressed to the government and also the society by trying to show that the highest power is concerned about the society and share their worries and problems. We just shouldn’t forget that the society is not naïve anymore. Thank God, there are many means that enable our society to more frequently be in touch with western values, western culture and the activities of politics. And they receive information through different channels. We don’t live in a closed system anymore. And the society knows well that the closer we approach the end of the presidential mandate the more often we will see such shows and outburst as well as “fireworks” in politics.”




